Recently, a tragedy occurred. Not in my life, but in the lives of a family of one of my dearest friends. My friend's younger brother passed from this world. This happened August 29th, 2014. From what I understand, he took his own life.
The funeral. It was a beautiful, sunny day, slightly warm for my tastes, but a beautiful, clear day on the 5th of September. As I was driving there, I couldn't help but keep running a song by Green Day in my head,
"Summer has gone and past. The innocent can never last. Wake me up when September ends..."
I wonder how many people that fateful day were thinking along those lines. How unbelievable it must be; how much like a terrible, terrible nightmare it was. Except this nightmare was real. It's not something that one is able to wake up from and ignore.
Regrets. Usually not a man of one, I am. However, this day I was full of them. How terrible of a friend that I must be! Why was I not there for the family of one of my best friends? Why couldn't I do something about this to avoid this heartbreak, this tragedy?
This event that "should never have happened."
I put the previous line in quotes because I hear that phrase so often. But if what I believe is true, then nothing, nothing, happens for no reason. There is no such thing as coincidence, because God knows all. He knows what tomorrow brings.
Thus, I can only come to the conclusion that God knew this was going to happen. He knew, and He allowed the devil to influence someone loving, caring, incredibly talented to be taken from this life at an age many in America would consider "too young."
But why? Why do such terrible things happen? Why are we wounded so deeply, so hurtfully? Why does God allow such a thing to happen to His people; people that have committed to following Him? And also, why does it seem like sometimes, we're just so helpless?
The Christian life is full of hardship. No where in the Bible is there a verse stating that the Christian life is easy, as much as Western thinking would want one to think that way. In reality, the Christian life, frankly, is extremely difficult.
Think about it this way. Is it easier to drive on a wide, paved road, or some obscure trail through the mountains? That's the choice that God gives, and the way to Him is a path filled with obstacles, challenges, and discomfort.
How many prophets in the Bible lived easy, carefree lives? None. How did the apostles fair with the early church? They were prosecuted and thrown in jail numerous times, just for saying that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.
I was reminded partly of this at the funeral. Horrible things happen because God allows them to happen.
However, two facts I know. God allows nothing to happen which is beyond our abilities to handle. God allows nothing to happen without a specific purpose/s
If something were to break us, God wouldn't allow it to break us to the point of not being able to carry on. If anything, severe hardship shows that God knows that you have the potential to be extraordinary, succeed, and rise up. He knows that by putting you through this, you will grow.
There is a saying in the Bible stating that the wise go to funerals, because in the funerals there is something to learn. My experience only confirmed that statement.
I've said this to some people before, but was reminded of this truth and was deeply impacted by it at the day of the funeral. Everyone, everyone, is full of God-given abilities. Everyone has the potential to be someone great. Someone fantastic. Someone worthy of being Biblical. Sometimes, I look around at people, and I'm sad that they themselves cannot see that potential. They can't see the impact they can make. None of this was more true to me that day then seeing and hearing how the deceased brother of my friend was remembered.
He was a performer, a musician. One of incredible talent. And yet he showed great humility and was meek as a lamb. He had his quirks (who doesn't?), but that just made him more unique, more himself. It gave him identity. People watch this guy perform and say "wow....he's good!"
I firmly believe everyone has the ability to be the person who will leave other people's jaws on the floor. We all have that potential. It is up to us to reach it.
I pray for the family, for their friends, and for my friend. I hope that in the days to come that I will be available for them should they need anything, even if it's just my presence. I pray that the healing hand of God will be on them, that they would be comforted in knowing that he is free now. His chains are gone.
P.S. If you're reading this and you know the family of which I'm talking about, please pray for them and reach out to them. Their hearts ache, I know it.